Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A few more things about food...

I made reference to this image in passing today and so I wanted to add it to the blog:

Also, here is Julia Child cooking, in case you have never seen her, as well as Meryl Streep's portrayal of her in Julie & Julia:

Also, you might be interested to know that the model we talked about in class works in restaurants too. A very successful and very tasty one, Founding Farmers, is in Foggy Bottom.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about your discussions yesterday when I went to the Whole Foods on my way home. I noticed the board out in front had a "step" system of meat. It's a graded system, 1 through 5, with 5 and 5+ being raised with no pesticides, free range on a farm, and maybe even the same farm for the animal's whole life span. I thought that was useful information, but it prompted me to have a lot of questions. For example: why is factory farming cheaper than an animal living on one farm, able to roam free and eat what it naturally wants to eat? If the farms are close by, then shouldn't that be cheaper... what does this sign make you guys think about?
